Back in 2014 I made a nice brush font called Downward Fall. I haven’t touched it since, but ten years later I thought it would be a good idea to release an update. Downward Fall 2024 is like the original, but it comes with extensive language support and ‘real’ lower case letters. You can use […]
Back in 2011 I released a scary, all caps brush font called Face Your Fears. It was quite a hit for a while and it seemed to be the font of choice for rap artists! Ever since I released Face Your Fears, people have been asking me whether I could make a version with a […]
In Holland we eat pancakes with black syrup and I always thought that this ‘suikerstroop’ was the same as molasses. Turns out that’s not the case; syrup is made from sugar (the refined product), but molasses is a by-product of the sugar refining industry. To celebrate the fact that I learned something new, I named […]